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Richard grew up in England where, as a child, he was allowed great freedom and generally had to create his own entertainment.  He could bicycle anywhere he wished without a helmet, fall out of trees, set fire to stuff (occasionally himself), upset tadpoles, shoot things with an air rifle (occasionally himself), and frolic irresponsibly through fields and woods in a way that is, today, thoroughly disapproved of and quite possibly illegal.  He first got a taste for travel when he was sent to Australia at the age of seventeen to survive working on a cattle station.  By age twenty-three he had travelled through India, and in 1982 settled in Johannesburg, where he married his wife, Kirsten. Working in corporate marketing and communications allowed him to travel throughout Southern Africa. He moved to California in 1989, where he set up a company; his client list included a Who’s Who of the Fortune 500, including Virgin, Nike, Apple and BMW.   Richard has been writing for years for his clients, but has not yet been published.  He enjoys writing, humor, travel, cooking Italian food, and making proper British marmalade. His work has enabled him to travel the world continuously and extensively, and he and Kirsten now live between Santa Barbara and England.  They have three children and almost permanent jet lag.